Open innovation/co-creation
Lisbon Deep Dive (9 – 11 February 2022)
9 February – Explore by Insights Visit through the streets of Lisbon, with the aim of capturing, through interviews and photographs, the details of the city within the scope of the five related topics of the project
14h – 14h30 Opening – The UCD Lab project (NOVA IMS + Partners)
14h30 – 17h30 Explore by Insights
17h30 – 19h00 Sharing & engaging (Lisbon rooftop)

10 February - Empathize A day full of sharing and learning, where the different insights of the project will be presented
UCD Lab research
9h00 – 9h20 #1 Micromobility (CML+NOVA IMS)
9h20 – 9h40 #2 Waste management (CML+NOVA IMS)
9h40 – 10h00 #3 Parking (CML+NOVA IMS)
10h00 – 10h20 #4 Pollution (CML+BSC)
10h20 – 10h40 #5 Emergency (CML+NOVA IMS)
10h40 – 11h00 Coffee break
11h00 – 11h20 #2 Waste management (Badajoz) (NOVA IMS + Badajoz)
11h20 – 12h00 Deployment (NEC + CML)
12h00 – 12h20 Metadata Json Generator tool (NOVA IMS + AMA)
12h20 – 14h00 Lunch
Personal experiences of the research safari
14h00 – 14h20 #1 Micromobility (personal experiences)
14h40 – 15h00 #2 Waste management (personal experiences)
15h00 – 15h20 #3 Parking (personal experiences)
15h20 – 15h40 #4 Pollution (personal experiences)
15h40 – 16h00 #5 Emergency (personal experiences)
16h00 – 16h20 Coffee break
16h20 – 17h00 Viability study (Avaanz)
11 February – What can we change? Brainstorm and debate. What are the essential interventions for a better management of the municipality, and what opportunities are there to innovate and implement data centered efficiency improvements.
9h00 – 10h40 Design thinking session (a table for each challenge)
10h40 – 11h00 Coffee break
11h00 – 12h30 Design thinking session (~20 min for each table present the results)
12h30 – 13h00 Closing session

Innovation Dive
Urban Lab X Innovation&Analytics Lab

Urban Lab and Innovation&Analytics Lab merged forces to find and develop the most disruptive innovations around five challenges:
- Mobility,
- Waste Management,
- Parking,
- Pollution, and
- Emergency.
The Innovation Deep Dive will be divided in three parts:
- (1) Student Challenge,
- (2) Research for Empathy, and
- (3) Open Innovation Co-Creation,
all steps based on Design Thinking methodology.
Design thinking is a non-linear, iterative process that teams use to understand users, challenge assumptions, redefine problems and create innovative solutions to prototype and test. It involves three phases Inspiration, Ideation and Prototyping In the Student Open Challenge, the students of NOVA IMS, divided in seven groups, will choose one of the five challenges and apply Design Thinking methodology to define disruptive projects. This part will happen between September 27th and October 24th.
The Research for Empathy will be performed by researchers from both Labs, using netnography and in-depth interviews conducted between October 11st and November 1st. The goal is to identify insights to guide the ideation and prototyping phases.
The Open Innovation Co-Creation is composed of a three days workshop, where the participants will explore Lisbon in the search for insights (December 15th), Empathize (December with users and citizens need, and Brainstorm possible solutions for each persona (December 17th).

The Student Open Challenge will be performed by NOVA IMS students, where the goal is to design a possible disruptive innovation.
Each of the groups will be dedicated to one of the five challenges presented.
As for the process to identify the disruptive innovation, the students will be guided by specific innovation prompts in the Inspiration and Ideation phase for future project development.

The Research for Empathy will be conducted by labs researchers and design thinkers with the main goal of identifying unique insights for the development of disruptive innovations.
In order to achieve our goal, netnography and in-depth interviews with extreme users will be performed.

The Open Innovation Co-Creation session is based on a 3 days hands-on workshop. It will be exclusively for participants registered in this activity.
Day 1 will be focusing on exploring the city of Lisbon and collecting surprises workarounds and shortcuts of the population in a research safari.
The following day will be dedicated to putting participants in the citizens and decision-makers shoes where the participants will identify the pains and gains of the users.
Culminating in a brainstorming day where solutions will be designed and discussed regarding the feasibility and viability of implementation.

Student Open Challenge

What is the plan?
- The goal is to create a disruptive innovation for Smart Cities in one of the following topics:
- Micromobility;
- Waste management;
- Parking;
- Pollution;
- Emergency;
- There will be 3 Stages - Inspire, Summarize, Brainstorm - and a Final Presentation, where you will tell as the story that resulted in your disruptive idea to improve sustainable living challenge.
Strategy and Insights Engine Project Report
A document was prepared with the aim of presenting an overview of the “Strategy and Insights Engine” Project implemented in partnership with the Urban Co-Creation Data Lab using a Design Thinking approach.
The goal was to integrate insights from both the external (students and citizens) and internal (partners and lab members) community and create a platform for behavioural research and idea-creation of new projects and services within the five challenges of the lab.
The report responds to the stage 1 of the Project “Inspire & Discovery” presenting the main insights from the desk research, netnography, in-depth interviews and overall conclusions of the student’s challenge.

Toolkit to support your design thinking practice